Amphitheater Video Describes ‘A Vision for Miramar National Cemetery’

With some $20,000 collected toward construction of the proposed Armed Forces Memorial Amphitheater, the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation has released a short video describing the project and showing an artist’s rendering of the Amphitheater, which will be built in the Flag Assembly Area.

The video is titled “Armed Forces Memorial Amphitheater: A Vision for Miramar National Cemetery.” To view the video, please follow this link: PLAY VIDEO

To donate to the Amphitheater project, please follow this link: DONATE HERE, and follow the prompts. Donations also may be addressed to Miramar …

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Support Foundation Marks Veterans Day 2020 with Video Presentation Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 10

Commemorates 75th Anniversary of World War II Victory and the U.S. Merchant Marine

With the COVID pandemic prohibiting large public gatherings, the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation is marking Veterans Day 2020 with a video presentation commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and the contributions of the U.S. Merchant Marine in achieving victory. 

The 20-minute program will be on-line at this website beginning Tuesday, Nov. 10, on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, and for some time afterward. 

Rear Adm. Jack Buono

Rear Adm. …

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Retired Navy captain and trailblazer for women’s equality in the service dies at 76

Retired Capt. Kathy Bruyere, a trailblazing Navy sailor, died Sept. 3. She is seen here as a commander. (Courtesy Trent Bruyere)

Editor’s Note: Retired Navy Captain Kathy Bruyere, one of the original volunteer staff members at Miramar National Cemetery, died Sept. 3, in San Diego. Highly respected by all associated with the cemetery, she was a friend and ally of the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation.

(The following article was published Sept. 10, 2020, in Navy Times.)

By Diana Stancy Correll

Retired Navy Capt. Kathy Bruyere, …

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Contributions Rolling in for Proposed Amphitheater at Miramar National Cemetery

Contributions toward construction of the Armed Forces Memorial Amphitheater at Miramar National Cemetery are rolling in. The Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation has received more than $14,000 to date for the project.

The Amphitheater project is estimated to cost between $450,000 and $500,000, including the perpetual maintenance fund required by the Veterans Administration. The project is being coordinated with the VA’s National Cemetery Administration. No federal funds will be used for the project.

Click Here to see more details on the Amphitheater proposal

To contribute, go to the Virtual Gala at …

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Armed Forces Memorial Amphitheater Planned for Miramar National Cemetery

Support Foundation Launches ‘Virtual Gala’ Fund Drive for Amphitheater

In normal times, Miramar National Cemetery hosts commemorative services on Memorial Day weekend, Veterans Day, and at other times during the year. Held in the Flag Assembly Area, the services draw hundreds. Hampering enjoyment of these patriotic events: a lack of permanent guest seating.

The Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation, sponsor of the Avenue of Flags, the Veterans Tribute Tower & Carillon, and the annual veterans services, has launched a project to build the Armed Forces Memorial Amphitheater with permanent seating …

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Committal Services with Military Honors Resume

At Fort Rosecrans, Miramar National Cemeteries


Committal services with military honors resumed June 9 at Fort Rosecrans and Miramar National Cemeteries. The cemetery staff is contacting families who were unable to hold a committal service between March 23 and June 8 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is assisting them in arranging memorial services for their loved ones beginning in July.

“During the weeks of restricted operations, we continued to inter veterans and eligible family members,” said Jared Howard, director of San Diego’s veterans’ cemeteries. “We can now conduct committal and memorial services with …

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San Diegans Mark Memorial Day 2020 in Virtual Tribute

Marine Cpl. James Dawson (foreground) and Lance Cpl. Elizabeth Follman of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Band played “Echo Taps” to end the Memorial Day virtual service.

Program highlights Fort Rosecrans, Miramar, Mt. Soledad and USS Midway Museum

As Marine Corps buglers Cpl. James Dawson and Lance Cpl. Elizabeth Follman played “Echo Taps”, family members visiting the graves of their loved ones at Miramar National Cemetery on Memorial Day 2020 rose and stood at attention. The haunting melody was a tribute to the men and women who had served their country …

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2020 Memorial Day Services Going On-Line

Fort Rosecrans, Miramar, Mt. Soledad, USS Midway

Live-Streaming Simulcast Tribute to Veterans, Front-Line Heroes

Memorial Day commemorations in San Diego are going virtual in 2020.  With COVID-19 preventing large gatherings, four of San Diego’s most iconic locations are collaborating to hold the first online live-streaming tribute, May 25, to honor fallen military heroes and salute today’s frontline heroes.

The Fort Rosecrans and Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundations, the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memoria, and the USS Midway will each hold approximately 15-minute tributes that will be seamlessly streamed live on Memorial Day from 9 …

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WWII POW Ralph F. Kling Has Died, Age 95;
Led Effort for POW Monument at Miramar National Cemetery

Ralph Kling, center, celebrates dedication of the POW Monument in September 2011 with Frank Burger, right, commander of the AXPOW San Diego chapter; and Sculptor Richard Becker of Poway, left, who created the statue.

Ralph F. Kling, a fighter pilot who was shot down and captured by the Germans during World War II, died at his home 28 March 2020, at age 95.  Kling, vice commander of American Ex-Prisoners of War San Diego Chapter 1, led the effort to place the POW …

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COVID-19 Measures:
A message from Jared Howard, Director
Fort Rosecrans and Miramar National Cemeteries:

You are all an important part of what we do at VA National Cemeteries to ensure proper tribute to Veterans being laid to eternal rest. These are unprecedented times and we are doing our best to navigate them.
Recently, a family that has a scheduled interment at Miramar National Cemetery was affected by inaccurate information regarding the current service options available at the national cemeteries. This was truly unfortunate and can be avoided with your help as we are all working towards the same goal.


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DFC Society Memorial

Support Foundation President and CEO Charlie Inot, dedication master of ceremonies, said DFC recipients “represent a diversity of backgrounds, ethnicity, military rank, and gender.”

Distinguished Flying Cross Society Memorial

A commemoration and a celebration

It was a commemoration and a celebration.  The dedication at Miramar National Cemetery, March 7, of a memorial to recipients of The Distinguished Flying Cross, and a celebration of the 100th birthday of one of its oldest living recipients, retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert L. Cardenas.

Keynote speaker Dennis A. Schoville, who was awarded the DFC and two Silver Stars, among many other awards for …

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Galen Seal, Original Foundation Board Member,

Laid to Rest at Miramar National Cemetery

Pallbearers move Colonel Seal’s casket into the memorial shelter.

(Dec. 10, 2019)  Galen E. Seal, Jr., an original member of the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation, was laid to rest, today, following a family interment service at Miramar National Cemetery.  Seal, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, is buried in Section 15, Grave 74, adjacent to the Flag Assembly area. 

Seal served as chairman of the Support Foundations’ Memorials Committee, coordinating with four veteran’s organizations – the Special Forces Association, Jewish War Veterans, Navy Nurse Corps Association, …

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Support Foundation Chairman Dennis Schoville, former Army scout helicopter pilot, introduces former Army Pfc. Steve Brown, a helo air crewman who was instrumental in saving Schoville’s life when he was shot down and wounded during combat in Vietnam on Veterans Day 1969.

Veterans Day Service Reunites Two Vietnam Veterans;

Pilot Shot Down November 11, 1969, Rescued by Comrade

(Nov. 11, 2019) Two old soldiers were reunited on Veterans Day at Miramar National Cemetery. Vietnam veterans Dennis Schoville and Steve Brown are linked by a near tragedy that could have killed them both.  The date: Nov. 11, 1969 – 50 years …

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Service will pay special tribute to Vietnam Era veterans

Duane Norman

Retired Air Force Reservist Duane Norman of Ramona, a disabled veteran and race car driver, will be the featured speaker at the Veterans’ Day Service scheduled at 3:30 p.m., Monday, Nov. 11, at Miramar National Cemetery. 

The Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation will sponsor the fourth annual Veterans’ Day Service, which will pay special tribute to Vietnam Era veterans.  The service will be held in the cemetery’s Flag Assembly Area at the eastern …

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New Director for Fort Rosecrans, Miramar National Cemeteries

Santa Fe National Cemetery Director Jared D. Howard Named Director of Fort Rosecrans, Miramar National Cemeteries 


Jared D. Howard, former director of Santa Fe National Cemetery, has been named director of the Fort Rosecrans and Miramar National Cemeteries, effective Sept. 29, 2019.  He will be responsible for all burial, maintenance, and administrative operations at both facilities.

Howard served as director of the Santa Fe cemetery from August 2017, and as the assistant director of that facility from August 2016.  He also oversaw all operations at Fort Bayard National Cemetery in Silver City, N.M.

Howard is a graduate of the …

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