COVID-19 Measures:
A message from Jared Howard, Director
Fort Rosecrans and Miramar National Cemeteries:

You are all an important part of what we do at VA National Cemeteries to ensure proper tribute to Veterans being laid to eternal rest. These are unprecedented times and we are doing our best to navigate them.
Recently, a family that has a scheduled interment at Miramar National Cemetery was affected by inaccurate information regarding the current service options available at the national cemeteries. This was truly unfortunate and can be avoided with your help as we are all working towards the same goal.

  • Below are our current burial options available at national cemeteries. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with them and please disseminate this information to your teams and other contacts who, like us, participate in the services provided at Ft Rosecrans and Miramar National Cemetery.
  • VA national cemeteries remain open for our primary mission of interring Veterans and eligible family members.
  • As a matter of public health and safety, committal services and the rendering of military funeral honors, whether by military personnel or volunteer organizations, are discontinued until further notice.
  • Families can inter now and conduct a service at the cemetery at a future date, or they can postpone the service and interment until later – it’s their call.
  • Families may request to view the interment, but we will keep them at a safe distance and limit them to no more than 10 immediate family members.
  • Visitors are still welcome, but should obey local restrictions to limit unnecessary travel if they apply.  Also, visitors should anticipate that some of our facilities may be closed. At Miramar National Cemetery and Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery, the Administration Buildings are closed, but public restrooms are open.
  • These actions are necessary to protect the health of families, NCA team members, and the honor guards who normally render military funeral honors.

Thank you again for everything you do as we value our partnership with all of you.
Jared Howard