(March 2023) If you served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces (at any time) from November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975, regardless of location, then this day is for you – National Vietnam War Veterans Day.
Every year on March 29, our country gives a long overdue THANK YOU and honors Vietnam veterans, and their families, for their service and sacrifice. Many may ask, “Why March 29th?” This date is significant because it was March 29, 1973, when the United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam was disestablished, and the day the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam. Also, on and around this same day Hanoi released the last of its acknowledged prisoners of war.
Our nation can never forget the 58,000+ service members whose names are memorialized on the Vietnam Wall, or the 1,500+ service members who remain missing and unaccounted for.
The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates there are more than 7 million U.S. Vietnam veterans living in America and abroad. Whether you served in-country, in-theater, or were stationed elsewhere during the Vietnam War period, you were called to serve your country.
Here in San Diego County, it is estimated that approximately 60,000 Vietnam Veterans live among us. We should thank our veterans every day for defending our freedoms, but especially on this day, this generation of American men and women deserve two words – Thank you!
Please join us at Miramar National Cemetery on March 29th at 9 a.m. for a special ceremony to truly say thank you to you and your family. While you are on the cemetery grounds, please visit the new Vietnam Veterans Memorial on our Memorial Walkway.
Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans, Welcome Home!