Amphitheater Video Describes ‘A Vision for Miramar National Cemetery’
With some $20,000 collected toward construction of the proposed Armed Forces Memorial Amphitheater, the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation has released a short video describing the project and showing an artist’s rendering of the Amphitheater, which will be built in the Flag Assembly Area.
The video is titled “Armed Forces Memorial Amphitheater: A Vision for Miramar National Cemetery.” To view the video, please follow this link: PLAY VIDEO
To donate to the Amphitheater project, please follow this link: DONATE HERE, and follow the prompts. Donations also may be addressed to Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation, c/o 2500 6th Ave., Unit 803, San Diego, CA 92103. The Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization, and a 509 (c)(1) public charity. Tax ID #65-1277308.
In the video, Support Foundation Vice President Sallay Kim, a retired U.S. Army major, introduces film of the group’s previous projects at the cemetery—the Avenue of Flags, dedication of monuments on the Memorial Walk, dedication of the POW Monument, and installation of the Veterans Tribute Tower & Carillon.
Support Foundation President & CEO Charlie Inot, a retired Army Reserve Master Sergeant, explains that permanent guest seating in the Amphitheater “will increase the comfort and enjoyment for all who attend” Memorial Day, Veterans Day and other ceremonies at the cemetery. He notes that the project will cost between $450,000 and $500,000.
All funds must be donated by individuals, corporations, civic groups, or local government since no federal funding may be used for the project. Although the VA is prohibited by policy from endorsing or authorizing the project, the Support Foundation is working closely with the VA and National Cemetery Administration, which must approve every phase of Amphitheater planning and construction.
“As patriotic Americans, we understand the sacrifices of our veterans and their families,” Dennis Schoville, Support Foundation Chairman and retired U.S. Army captain, says in an appeal for community support for the Amphitheater.
“Once the Foundation, with your assistance, raises the necessary funds to complete construction of the Amphitheater,” Schoville says, “tens of thousands of members of our community, fellow veterans, friends, and families will benefit from your consideration and generosity for decades to come.”
By Bill Heard, PIO