2nd Annual ‘Virtual Gala’ Fundraiser

No-Hassle Event is All On-Line
Foundation Kicks Off 2nd Annual ‘Virtual Gala’ Fundraiser

(Nov. 30, 2017)  Getting dressed up to attend another rubber-chicken dinner – even for a good cause – can be a hassle.  So, the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation has found a better way to raise money: A “Virtual Gala” that allows donors to make contributions on-line.  No evening gown or black tie required.

Director Sallay Kim chairs the “Virtual Gala”.

“This is the second annual Virtual Gala,” says Sallay Kim, chair of the fundraiser.  “The donations will help the Foundation sponsor new enhancements to Miramar National Cemetery, and maintain those already in place.  We hope our donors will be as generous this year as they were in 2016.”

The Virtual Gala went on-line on Nov. 28, and will continue through Jan. 31, 2018.  A link to the 2017 Virtual Gala can be found at www.gala/miramarcemetery.org.

Another advantage of an on-line fundraiser, says Kim, is that the Foundation will have no overhead, and will not spend valuable dollars on a party venue, entertainment, food, or drink.  All revenue from the Virtual Gala will go directly to benefit the Foundation’s work.

Donors can make contributions in several ways.  They can sponsor a virtual table for a $2,500 donation, or make a corporate donation of $5,000 or more.  They can contribute as a couple, or make a single donation of a standard or specific amount.  A donor also can make a contribution via a check made out to the Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation.  Checks should be mailed to:

Richard Sells, CFO
2600 6th Ave., Unit 803
San Diego, CA 92103

Previous fundraising efforts have financed the one-of-a-kind Avenue of Flags lining the main artery into the cemetery, the Memorial Walkway, and most recently, the Veterans Tribute Tower & Carillon.  The Foundation’s newest endeavor is to provide amphitheater seating for the Flag Assembly Area, the setting of various veterans’ programs throughout the year.  All such enhancements are paid for and maintained with donated funds.  No government funding is used for their construction or upkeep.

The Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c )( 3) public charity.  All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extend allowable by law.  Donors will receive an acknowledgment from the Foundation for their contribution.  Tax ID #65-1277308.

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By Bill Heard
Foundation Public Information Officer