Veterans Tribute Tower & Carillon
The Veterans Tribute Tower & Carillon was dedicated during ceremonies at Miramar National Cemetery on November 11, 2016 and is specially dedicated to soldiers of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division who fought in the June, 1953, Battle of Outpost Harry during the Korean War, and also honors veterans of all U.S. military services.
The 30-foot-tall bell tower stands on a landscaped plaza on the north side of the cemetery where it is visible from most points of the grounds, and from nearby streets, it has a commemorative plaque set into the base of the Tower with a dedication to the U.S. 15th Infantry Regiment mounted on an adjacent memorial pedestal. It is visible from most points of the grounds, and from nearby streets. The Tower tolls on the hour and signals the end of the day with a rendition of “Taps”.
The inscription on the plaque reads, “This tower stands as a lasting tribute to all American veterans and to the valiant defenders of Outpost Harry. And to our honored dead who have paid the ultimate price to preserve the freedoms of this great Republic.”
The Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation coordinated funding and construction of the Veterans Tribute Tower & Carillon. The $400,000 Tower was the single largest project the Support Foundation has undertaken on behalf of the cemetery.
Local automobile dealer Bob Baker, a veteran of the Battle of Outpost Harry, and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, provided major support for the Tower project.