The Avenue of Flags
The Avenue of Flags is the only one in 155 National Cemeteries in the United States. The Avenue of Flags are 50 patriotic American Flags that fly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year over the fallen veterans and their families. The Avenue of Flags line the Cemetery’s main drive from the entrance on Nobel Drive and can be viewed from I-805 and surrounding streets. The Avenue ends at the Flag Assembly Area, where the Avenue is met by the Garrison Flag. The Garrison Flag is lowered to half-mast Monday through Friday as burials take place on cemetery grounds. The Avenue of Flags was the Miramar National Support Foundation’s first gift to the Cemetery and was dedicated in January 2012.
The flag poles continue to be maintained by the Support Foundation, with a flag change out of all 50 flags biannually just before Memorial Day and Veterans Day. The flags are decommissioned and repurposed so they can live forever. To view a story about a local military supporter volunteers his time to decommission the flags, please click on the story: